Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Turns out it was the Canadian authorities who shut down VNN

But still, the fake arch-bishop spreading rumors is a good thing.

This might be the first right thing Kenneth Michael Schneider has done. Schneider currently has several arrest warrants in the City of Roanoke and is considered a fugitive from justice.

By the way, VNN is down. Even better news.

And if Eric Adams ripped off Vonbluvens, that's even better........

Commentary -- [Bill: My understanding is that two organizations Eric Adams previously organized were bankrupted by SPLC lawsuits, and that Mr Adams is still under some sort of judgment or court order in regards to those occurences.

I do not, however, have any of the inside details of what had occurred -- I've only read the news reports and viewed some abstracts of the judgments against him.

Of course, given that he has twice been bankrupted by the SPLC, the question of his income from his stake in NSM records comes into question -- though really, its another NSM member who provided most of the logistics in setting NSM Records up -- Eric is just the guy operating the thing.

Anyways, Doc posted the following on NSM forum. He was expelled from the NSM for questioning Richard Brunson in particular, and Adams to a lesser degree, and after he was expelled Jeff ordered the National Office not to mention it (he didn't even tell me it had happened) and ordered Von Bluvens not to let Doc back on the Von Bluvens show (one of many contributing factors in Von's departure).

And note, there has been a long running dispute between Mike Blevins and Eric Adams over some money -- apparently, the bank account of Adams was seized, though I have not been able to independently verify that:] p=420287#post420287

Forget the "Satanist" BS (There are of course "Thousands" in the NSM according to the "High Priestess" Herrington...)

Folks, the real reason, and the only one of any substance is ERIC ADAMS

Eric Adams is a FED. I know, people always pull the FED thing out but I'm CERTAIN in this case.

Anyone who wants to know more can ask ANY ex member of the Southern White Knights of the KKK as well as MOST ex members of the ORION Knights of the KKK, particularly those in Florida.

Get in touch with "Swamp Fighter" (ex Grand Dragon of the ORION Knights in Florida or Randal White, ex Grand Dragon of the Southern White Knights of the KKK Georgia and later Eric Adams replacement as Imperial Wizard.

That's right folks; Eric Adams was kicked out of the KKK (In Klan parlance "Banished"). Eric Adams couldn't be in the KKK anymore so he bailed on his "Lifelong Christian Beliefs", became an "Odinist"/ Satanist (His Wife Libby has been a longtime Satanist)

The Southern White Knights logo and articles of incorporation belonged to Eric Adams and of course he refused to turn them over to the membership.

He started the Southern White Knights TWICE a few years apart and sold out the membership lists for a REDUCED SENTENCE both times as well as other things.

Eric Adams was ORDERED by his FED handlers to destroy the NSM and he did EXACTLY that. All the rest is smoke and mirrors.

You all worried that Bill White has names and info? Worry more about shopping NSMRecords or trafficking on any NSM site.

Eric had Tom Martin disposed of and now he controls ALL NSM web space.

Eric? What happened to KlanNet and its successors? You RIPPED of myself (DOC) for one and VonBluvens (Who's Credit Card you billed, and then bilked) as well as many others. But, WTF, you're a PRIME example of what the NSM calls honorable...